Here are some great links.
Community Forum & Update, Jan. 18, 2015
Speakers Antonia Juhasz, Diane Bailey, Marilyn Bardet, Andrés Soto.
Click here for VIDEO OF FORUM SPEAKERS (Many thanks to Constance Beutel!)
Benicia songwriter Mark Kennedy: “Bakken the USA”
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)
NRDC Fact Sheet – IT COULD HAPPEN HERE: The Exploding Threat of Crude by Rail in California (PDF)
- NRDC Maps: Crude Oil Train Derailment Risk Zones in California (Blast Zone Maps)
Bakersfield (PDF)
- Benicia (PDF)
- Davis (PDF)
- Martinez (PDF)
- Pittsburg (PDF)
- Richmond (PDF)
- Sacramento (PDF)
Here in Benicia
- You are here:, the website for Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community (BSHC)
- Check out our presence on Facebook: Facebook Stop Crude By Rail
- Our basic brochure: It’s time for common sense – STOP CRUDE BY RAIL NOW!
(please be patient – this is a very large file) - Here is our Petition – download, pass around, take door-to-door. Return instructions at bottom.
- RESOURCES on How to Read and Comment on Valero’s Draft EIR
- Like our logo? Here’s where you can buy our stuff, and support our cause with a few bucks!
- The City of Benicia’s Valero Crude By Rail page – current status on Valero’s proposal
- The Benicia Independent (current news and information on Crude By Rail, background and action on Valero Crude By Rail)
- Benicia Independent (Crude by Rail)
- Bill McKibben ( – Climate Change Blog
- Eyes on Phillips 66 Rodeo (ConocoPhillips)
- Desmog Blog (all issues related to Climate Change)
- Bomb Trains: The Crude Gamble of Oil by Rail, a “must see” video documentary by Vice News (23 min, well worth the time!)
- Do You Live In A “Bomb Train” Blast Zone? – an interactive map of the U.S. & Canada, by ForestEthics
- SMILE BREAK – Uncovered: The Lost Keystone XL Ads
- Voices Against Oil Trains, an excellent 3½ minute YouTube video by Columbia Riverkeeper
- Sightline – Oil Train Explosions: A Timeline in Pictures, (NEW! Posted on 5/6/15 after the Heimdal ND explosion, to be kept current.)
- Now outdated, but still useful: Bomb Trains, a Facebook page detailing recent derailments and explosions. (On a sad note, Curtis Hewston, who maintained the Facebook BombTrains page, passed away in September 2014, so this log has not been updated since August 2. Curtis’ detailed logging of hazmat derailments was without an equal. See Sightline above for more current listing of major explosions…)
- Bomb Trains on Facebook: Notable Crude Oil Train explosions 2013-14
- Bomb Trains on Facebook: Crude Oil Train Derailments in 2014